Monday, March 2, 2009

Busy Days

Saturday we went to Walmart to stock up(2 hours away), and when we got home we took the kid swimming. By the time we came home and had dinner we had been going all day. The kids passed out by 7 and I thought about jumping on the treadmill or at least doing a strength workout but instead I decided to crawl into bed and watch a movie. I fell asleep before 9, I guess I needed sleep! So I didn't make my mileage goal for last week.

Sunday we went to church, came home and cleaned, then went for an easy 6 mile run. The weather was great and I really enjoyed being outside in it. My leg was hurting a little, I was feeling really good this week and then on Friday I slipped a little on some ice and tweaked it again. I am so over being hurt! It's not as bad as at first I just don't want to start training and have it flare up again. I am going back to cross training a lot this week and hopefully that will be enough time to finish healing. The weather is suppose to be warm this week so maybe the ice will melt and then I won't have to worry about slipping!


  1. I hope some cross training helps with your leg - it must be so frustrating!

  2. I've been cross training more (P90X) and it has greatly improved my runs. I hope you continue to heal well! 2 Hours to get to Wal-Mart?!?! Good Lord, that's ridiculous!
