Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No More Snow

My sister and my sweet little niece are coming today(if the roads cooperate). I can't wait, I haven't seen Marlee in 3 weeks! I'll bet she's so big! There was a snow storm yesterday so Brandi couldn't make it over the pass(chain law in effect). There is a chance of snow today so hopefully Brandi can make it over.

I am planning on running a few easy miles today. My plan is to keep the miles slow and gradually up my mileage. I have to say I really miss speed work, I never thought I would say that! Last summer I never did speed work. Oh I had great ideas of doing it, but when I would start it would hurt too much and I would back off. I finally started this winter and I loved it, crazy! I am thinking though that my miles need to be more right now and I don't want to add both and injure myself so I'm taking it easy. Yesterday I did a Crunch bootcamp video, it was a good workout. My arms are sore today which is always good. Hope everyone has a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea to work on building your mileage back up first, THEN speed training. It will be there waiting when you're ready.

    Have a great visit with your sister and niece!
