Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tired Legs

I started out yesterday on my run and my legs felt like I was carrying 15 lbs on each leg. I started up the lake road which has a lot of hills and was fairly icy so I took it slow. I just followed the bike path through town which was better, very little ice . It took about 3 miles before my legs felt good, but the end of the run felt great. I didn't run the 7 like planned(I didn't have time), but I did get in 6 with a negative split. Yay!

Last night JR and I did upper body work on the bow flex. Gavin was so excited and wanted to work out too so i did jumping jacks, crunches, and jump rope with him in between sets. It ended up being a good workout.

Today I did an easy 3 mile run. My legs are sore today and I didn't want to push it. I just got a foam roller this week and have used it a few times. It hurts! JR thinks I'm crazy as I roll on it and wince in pain, but it does make my legs feel better afterwards. I think I'll do yoga in the morning and take the rest of the day off. I am running the 7 on the 7th Saturday, hosted by Amanda at I would put a link to it but I do not know how. I am just learning all this blog stuff.


  1. I hate those runs where my legs feel heavy. Glad the run improved by the end!

  2. The foam roller is awesome! I put the kids in the tub and roll around on it. Really helps with my tight IT bands.
