Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow

My hubby's uncle watched the kids for me today so I went for a 4 mile run. It snowed here off and on all day and there was a few inches of fresh snow on the ground. Half way through my run it started snowing again, great big flakes. My glasses soon fogged up so I took them off and squinted through the snow. It was great! I arrived back to pick up the kids soaking wet, I just was dripping everywhere. Brooklyn wanted me to pick her up immediately and she made a face and just kept saying "Mommy all wet" over and over. I tried to keep an easy pace and I ended up averaging 9:49mm with a negative split so I am happy. It was just a great run.

Now I'm off to do upper body and core work followed by the foam roller. I love lifting while I watch the biggest loser, it's much better then eating while watching!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on he snowy run!

    I always feel guilty if my butt is on the couch during TBL.
