Monday, February 9, 2009

Time To Get Moving

I looked at my calender last night and realized I only have 8 weeks until my planned half marathon. I'd better get to work! I did a boot camp video yesterday and I have hill repeats today. My leg is a little sore today so I am going to wrap it and hopefully I'll be fine. I think I am going to order some compression shorts since it's hard to wrap my thigh/glute. I am planning on ramping up my milage this week along with 3 strength workouts and yoga, if I am going to run this half I want to have a good time. My goal is around 2:05, although I would love to break 2 hours.

On the home front I am clearing out the upstairs so we can start tearing out walls. Our original plan was to add on but I am not sure if we can do that this year financially. We live in an old house that has a lot of little rooms, now that the basement is finished we are going to turn the extra bedrooms into one big living room. I can't wait! Right now it is hard to have more than 2 people over without being crammed into the living room.

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