Sunday, February 8, 2009

7 on the 7th

My company my hubby works for had a sledding party, so we took the kids and had so much fun. It was a beautiful day, staying in the 20's. We got a workout in just running up and down the hill pushing kids off and catching them at the bottom! We wore everyone out, my kids were asleep before we left the parking lot on the way home!

Once we were home and the kids in bed I went for my run. The sun was going down soon but it was still so nice I had to run outside. I was able to run 5.4 miles outside before it was too cold and I couldn't see so I finished on the treadmill. I am very happy with my time, I think I posted my goal as 1:04 and I finished in 1:01:12! I am really surprised at that because I had been eating cookies and hot dogs all day at the hill. I also had only drank maybe a cup of water all day. I did feel it during my run! I also realized why I run faster on the treadmill, I have better form! Outside I end up slouching, with my head down watching the road. When I am on the treadmill I stand up straight looking straight ahead and I am always focused on my abs and shoulders. I really tried to focus when I was outside and it helped a lot, I just had to keep reminding myself. Now if I can just remember all the time my runs would be a lot easier!


  1. Great job on the 7 miler! And re: the heavy legs...I HATE that feeling. It's the worst!

  2. way to go, especially late in the day!!
