Thursday, January 29, 2009

Running again!

I went to my sister's Monday, my beautiful niece Marlee was born late Monday night. She is so cute! I didn't stay at the hospital because my kids NEEDED sleep. So as I was pacing and texting family I decided to try out my sis and brother-in-law's treadmill. It is an old one, made more for walking. It is lightweight and the track is only about a foot wide. It hadn't been used in months so it took awhile to warm up. I cranked it as high as it would go, I started off at 13 minute miles. It gradually moved faster, I finished my first mile in 10:42. The second mile I went about 8:30, much faster then I intended but I couldn't keep it steady. So I did 2 miles on Mon and 2.4 on Tuesday. When I came home last night I did 4 on my treadmill. The treadmill is very boring but it is nice to be able to control your pace. When I am outside I try to but sometimes my mile pace jumps quite a bit.

Overall it went fairly well. The first 2 days I wore tight shorts and last night I wrapped my leg. I started off with just shorts and that hurt, once I wrapped it I was fine. I felt mild discomfort instead of shooting pain so I must be on the mend. The hard part is taking it slow and not jumping back into my training!

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