Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cold and Windy!

Yesterday JR and I played racquetball, it was a lot of fun and I hope we can do more things like that. Unfortunely JR hurt his knee(an old football injury) otherwise I think he would have gone again today. After that I went out fo a 4 mile run. It wasn't to cold but the wind was blowing, by the time I turned around to head home it started to snow. The wind was blowing into my face and it felt like rocks hitting my forehead.

I woke up today to the sun shining. It was beautiful on the snow and I couldn't wait to get out there. I had 6 miles planned for today and didn't want to run on the treadmill. It was only 11 degrees outside but the wind was not blowing so I thought I would be fine. However by the time I put all my layers on and got the kids settled with JR the wind started. I still thought I would be ok so I started out facing the wind decided I wasn't warm enough for that. I turned the other way and was feeling good, I just couldn't keep my scarf tied around my face. I knew it would be worse when I was facing the wind again so I decided to run inside. I frostbit my face when I was in high school so I really have to be careful now. I still didn't want to run on the treadmill so I went to PAC and ran on the track.

Tomorrow is suppose to be cold and windy so I guess I'll be on the treadmill for hill work. I am going to start the Hal Higdon advanced marathon plan tomorrow. I will probably modify it a little with more cross training and less running on some days. I am going to keep the tempo, speed, hill, and distance runs each week. We'll see how it goes, I've never followed a plan before.

I am also trying to get back on track with my nutrition. I have been eating way too much sugar and not enough fruits and vegetables. So I am not baking anything for awhile and am going back to my goal of at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. I have done ok today, so far 3 servings of veggies and 1 fruit. And only a little bit of chocolate!

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