Monday, September 28, 2009

10k Results

We had a great weekend starting with the 10k. My sis kept the kids while I went ran, I had great hopes of running with them for the 1 mile but the race started late so I didn't make it. The course is one that I am familiar with and it starts off at the lake and goes back to town. The weather was perfect, sunny and starting in the 40s and quickly warming up. We were bussed to the finish and I ended up on the last bus. We were loading the bus when the race was suppose to start so we started as soon as we arrived. Once I made it past the walkers I found my pace, for the first 2 miles there was a boy about 9 or 10 who I kept playing leapfrog with. He would start to slow and I would gradually pass him which would spur him on and he would fly by me. We were running at an 8:00 pace, I was very impressed with him! He finally slowed down after 2 miles and I didn't see him again. At this point I really needed to use the bathroom but I did not want stop. I kept going and was feeling ok, I was pushing it and could feel it especially uphill. I finally had to stop at a restroom, I was afraid it wouldn't be pretty at the finish line if I didn't. The last mile is always the hardest because it is flat, I kicked it in at the end and passed the only other person I saw.

I finished in 49:33, which is a new PR. The official race results aren't posted on the website yet but I think I was in the top 5.

When I had about .4 left I passed Gavin who was running with the front pack! He had left my sis and Brooklyn behind at the start, she was about a block behind him. When I finished I ran back to find him, the kids were coming in and he still wasn't there, I found him as he was taking the last corner before the finish and ran in with him. He was so tired, he asked me if it was ok to walk so we did until he caught his breath then we ran into the finish. I found out later he didn't turn where he was suppose to. My sis couldn't catch him with and left the stroller and Brooklyn with a lady from church and had to run after him. He ended up running about an extra half mile. At the finish he received his medal and was so proud. Soon after Brooklyn came running in. They can't wait to do it again next year.


  1. Great job on the race! I'm impressed with a PR on such a short race with stopping at the bathroom.

    Congrats to the kiddos.

    MCM Mama
