Wednesday, September 16, 2009


What started out as a plan for the weekend has spilled over this week, spending less time on the computer. With the remodel I have moved the computer to the kitchen which makes it very tempting all day to look at blogs or email for just 5 minutes. Of course 5 minutes is never long enough and before I know it 20 minutes have passed. With Gavin being in school and JR gone the kids really need more attention, especially Brooklyn. So I decided to unplugg the computer for the weekend, this went well, I ended up turning it on for a recipe and to let the kids watch a movie Saturday night. I must say it was nice not to feel the need to catch up on what everyone else was doing. The kids and I spent time with my mom, played games, read books, and went for a bike ride. It was a nice weekend.

Now I am trying to find a time to spend on blogging/email/facebook without taking time away from the kids. This is becoming difficult since they have been waking up at 5:30 and Brooklyn didn't go to sleep until 9:30 last night. I am trying to catch up on everyone's blog and post more, we'll see how it goes.

As for running I logged 30 miles last week and am hoping for at least 25 this week. I did another speed workout yesterday, 1x200, 1x400, 1x800, 1x400, 2x200, 1x400@ 7:30 pace. I am planning on an easy 5 miles today and a long run tomorrow. The last 2 weeks I have been trying to start up a strength program, I would like to lift 2-3 times a week. I have been doing various dvds and am enjoying the variety.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely nice to "unplug" once in a while.

    Nice job on the speed work.
