Monday, June 1, 2009


We had a great time camping. The mornings were sunny and hot with clouds in the afternoon which was nice for sitting around talking. Saturday morning was the 2 mile walk for the pregnancy center in town. Brandi and I left our kids and husbands at the lake and went in for that, I was a volunteer at the registration table. The weather was perfect and we had a good turnout, I decided not to run this year and instead I walked with a friend and Brandi. Afterwards we went back to camp and some friends came up for the afternoon. They brought their kids and they all had fun and were exhausted by that evening. We didn't do much but sit around and talk and it was nice just to relax. Unfortunately the days activities took a toll on little girl and around 12:30 that night she threw up. Brandi and I cleaned her and her bed up and I took her to bed with JR and I. She ended up getting sick 3 or 4 (I lost count) more times through out the night. JR moved to Gavin's bed after the first time. Sunday she was still feeling bad so I brought her home and when she woke up from her nap she had a temp. So the evening was spent trying to make her drink, today she is better but still not her perky self.

As for running, I didn't run at all on Saturday, yesterday I went out for an easy run in the afternoon. I was tired and my legs were sore so I was hoping to make 3 miles. It was hot so I just kept telling myself to go slow, I ended up doing 4 miles and by the last one I was feeling good. I as still looking at training plans and I think I am going to try the plan from the smart coach on runner's world. The easy runs are very slow though at 10:07 min/miles so I'm not sure I'll stick to it.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, sorry to hear that your little one got sick on your camping trip. :( I hope she's feeling better soon!
