Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Early Morning Run

JR has been working crazy hours lately so I have been talking about running before he goes to work for awhile now, however when the alarm goes off at 4:45 I usually hit the snooze. Today I did not want to run on the treadmill so I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning. I dressed in a few layers(it's been cold), and was putting my shoes on when Brooklyn woke up. I tried to have her lay back down which sometimes works, but not today. JR took her to bed with him and I was off. The first few miles were slow but it was nice to be out so early listening to the birds. When I came home both of my kids were in bed with JR watching tv, after staying up late last night they should have been sleeping! They may be going down for a nap early today! I love not having to worry about running today and not having to run on the treadmill so I am going to try to run early a couple times a week.

Now it looks like we are finally going to have a nice, sunny day after days of rain. I am off to enjoy it with my kids, hope everyone has a great day!


  1. I don't think I could ever get out of bed at that hour during the week - only for races. :)

    Good for you! I'll bet you felt great after.

  2. Great job getting out there. My husband leaves for work at 6:30am, so morning runs just don't happen around here.
