Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away?

We have had 3 weeks of rain already and according to the weather report it's not suppose to let up until next Saturday. My garden is in desperate need of some sun and Gavin wants to know when it will be summer so we can go to the lake. I have mixed feelings, I am ready for some sunny days but it has been nice running lately. The highs have been in the 60s and there it is cloudy most of the time. Thursday I ran my long run with a friend, which was great, the miles flew by even though it was a slower pace, and we felt great. I suppose I'll just have to enjoy the cooler temps this week.

Running has been going well, just following a plan from runner's world smart coach. I did finally run as slow as it calls for on my long run, it is hard to run slow! I haven't been to worried about it and am just trying to go with how I feel.


  1. It has been hot (88-92) and sunny! I am starting to get use to the heat again. Hope the sun shines soon.

  2. We've had a ton of rain too, but it's been hot along with it. I wouldn't mind the rain if it would cool things off.

  3. It's too bad we don't have a thermostat fot eh weather - we can make it cool and damp for our runs, and hot and sunny for family time!
