Thursday, June 4, 2009

Missed Long Run

This week has been raining and my hubby has been working crazy hours so I have been stuck to the treadmill for 2 runs this week. The first was 5 miles total with 3 at tempo, and the second was 4 easy miles. I really struggled with both mentally, I just wanted to be outside! I guess I am going to have to get up early and go because I never know when JR will be home. Today was suppose to be my long run, I was really looking forward to it. My kids were going to go to their uncle's house and I had planned on running with a friend, a rare treat, but it wasn't meant to be. Last night my son didn't feel well and it wasn't long before he was racing to the bathroom, poor guy was sick all night. He slept maybe 2 hours, so of course I slept maybe 2 hours. He finally fell asleep at around 5 this morning, but not until he gave me the flu. Not fun, I haven't had the flu since high school? Gavin seems to be better now and hopefully this will pass soon and I can find a way to run tomorrow.