Monday, June 29, 2009

Back To Normal

Everyone left yesterday, now my house is quiet! I dropped Carrie and fam at the airport yesterday morning and had great plans of cleaning house. I did some grocery shopping, came home, put the kids down for a nap and crashed for 2 hours. Napping was a much better idea! We woke up and went out for pizza, then I went for an easy 5 mile run. Now today I have to get busy!

We had a lot of fun and I managed all of my planned runs, even the 10 miler, followed by a 2 hour hike. The mosquitoes were horrible so the kids were miserable the whole way up. We had sprayed them before we left but somehow forgot most of their heads and forgot to take the spray with us. When we reached the top, overlooking the mountains and lakes below, the bugs were still with us so we quickly snapped a few pics and headed back down. Fortunately the sun came out so there wasn't as many mosquitoes on the way back, this really helped the whining! Friday it poured for about 5 hours so my driveway was on big mud puddle. The boys were going crazy in the house so I put some old clothes on them and sent them outside. I looked out a few minutes later and they had found a mud puddle to use as a slip and slide. They would run and slide head first into the puddle, very funny! When I find my camera cord I will show some pics.

Now I am back to the routine, I have a very messy house that needs cleaned and a lot of errands to be done now that I am back from "vacation." Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. We went for a hike on the weekend and got totally ambushed by bugs. We were covered in spray but it wasn't helping at all. Ugh!

    Great job getting all of your runs in. It can be difficult when you're off 'routine.'
