Thursday, April 2, 2009


This week has been busy. I have upped my mileage to about 25 miles a week and next week I start a training plan for a 10k. I am going to try the runner's world fastest 10k plan and am excited to start speed work again. Today I went out for a 6 mile run, I really struggled at first. I just had a hard time mentally, my mind has been spinning lately. I have had family issues and had just heard some really sad news at bible study. I had to walk a couple of times in the first couple of miles. I thought about stopping but I just kept pushing and finally found some peace in the last couple of miles. I also saw a moose laying in someone's yard about 50 feet from where I was running. That made me get up the hill without stopping! I didn't see a baby with her so I thought I was safe but I didn't want to take any chances. This is the third moose I have seen on my runs. The first time was a giant bull moose, he was about 100 yds away laying in the willows. Seeing them so close does make the heart speed up and makes you run a little faster!


  1. I have seen many animals, but never a Moose! Sometimes the mental part of running is the hardest.

  2. The moose was just hanging out in someone's yard?? Crazy! Glad you were able to get into your groove. Good luck with the 10K plan!
