Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sunny Morning

We woke up to sunny, blue skies yesterday morning after a week and a half of clouds. I really didn't want to run inside so after dropping Gavin off at preschool I decided to try pushing Brooklyn in the stroller. She didn't want to ride of course, she prefers to walk so I had to bribe her with a sucker. Once we were off she had fun looking at all the trees and birds, she loved the bridge over the creek and chattered the whole time. I walk with the kids in the stroller all the time, however I have not run with the stroller since last summer and I remember why, it is hard! It is amazing how much you use your arms in running and it is really difficult when you can't. I tried not to worry about speed and just enjoyed the morning with my little girl, after 2 miles she was done. She wanted to walk and was not going to stay in the stroller anymore! My training plan called for 4 miles so I planned on finishing on the treadmill. On the way home my friend C called and we made plans to take the kids to the park and take turns watching them so we could run outside. That worked out great, we were able to enjoy running outside, the kids had fun and since the clouds and rain rolled in by 12 we were really happy we played outside in the morning.


  1. I can imagine how difficult it is trying to push a stroller while running. Must have been a great workout!

  2. Good job running with the stroller. We have a lot of hills around here, so I hate running with mine. So far, I've managed to only use it a handful of times in the 7.5 years I've had kids.
