Monday, May 4, 2009

Long Run

My kids and I spent Saturday at home so I had to run on the treadmill during naptime. I did 5.5 miles at 8:49avg and felt really good afterwards. It was a very challenging weekend with the kids and that run really helped put me in a better mood.

Yesterday my MIL watched my kids for my long run. Outside was cloudy but not cold and was only a little muddy after raining/snowing the night before. I zigzaged my way through 4 miles before I decided to run on the highway due to mud, mangaging 9 miles at 9:09avg pace. That is a really good time for me. The run felt really good and I am getting excited for my 10k. My times have improved and I am loving all the speedwork.


  1. Great job on the 9 miles! I NEED to run on the weekends or the kids will drive me insane....

  2. Glad to hear the speed work is paying of.. Awesome long run pace!

  3. Good runs! Yeah, I need "get me away from my kid" time also....

  4. That's great that you're enjoying the speed work. Sometimes I find it intimidating.
