Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Speed Work and Long Run

The half marathon is only 3 weeks away and I am getting nervous. I really want to beat 2 hours, but I will be happy if I am close to 2 hours. This week I had mile intervals on Monday. I was suppose to run a total of 8, 1mile warm up and 1 cooldown and 4x1600 at 8:55 pace with 800 jog in between. JR was home so I was able to run in the afternoon. There was a storm coming so it was cloudy and not too hot, just a little humid. I started out of with the miles at 7:34, 7:41, and 7:49, however the last mile I was tired. I should have brought water with me because I was thirsty! The mile started out ok but then the wind picked up, I felt like I was moving backwards then I saw lightning ahead of me and just mentally fell apart. I started walking with the intention of running faster but I couldn't do it. I ended up doing .61 at 8:12 and decided just to take it easy the rest of the way but after a quarter mile I decided to sprint a little more and did another .26 @ 7:57 pace. Then I slowly made my way home.

Yesterday I did a 4 mile run, probably faster than I should have at 9:13 pace. Today was my long run, which was suppose to be 12 but I ran out of time before the kid's swim lessons and only did 11. I just had a hard time, I was by myself and my legs and hips were sore. I kept circling around my mom's house trying for a better route and that made it hard, I prefer to run in town but I didn't have time. My pace wasn't bad though at 9:37 with 3 huge hills in there. Now I just have a couple of easy 4-5 milers to finish the week.


  1. Good job on the speedwork. You run faster than I do and I've broken the 2 hour mark, so I think you have a really good chance at it.

    MCM Mama

  2. I also think you have a good shot at sub-2:00. You've been consistent with your training!
