Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Tempo Run

Since JR is coming home tomorrow, YAY!, I have been trying to watch as many tv shows as I can that he won't watch. This of course has to be done after the kids go to bed so I have been up way too late the last 2 nights and I am feeling it today! Yesterday Carrie and I took turns watching the kids while we did our tempo run. I was nervous since I didn' t have much sleep but I only had to keep a 8:37 pace which is fairly easy. I started the first mile with mostly uphill then settled into a nice rhythm and enjoyed the next 6 miles. This run was great because now I feel confident keeping a similar pace in the half. I ran faster then I needed too and didn't feel strained at all, most of the run I was trying to slow down and stay in the 8:30 range. My splits are:

Today will be a busy day cleaning and finishing the siding. Tomorrow is finally suppose to hit 80 degrees so I want to have everything done so I can do my long run and take the kids to the lake. Today will probably be a treadmill day, I am suppose to run 5, unless my mom keeps my kids tonight. I had better get busy, have a great day!


  1. Nice job on the tempo! I need to find a kid swapping friend like that.

    MCM Mama

  2. I love catching up on my trashy TV when the hubs is away. :)

    Great tempo run!
