Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Only 3 Weeks Left!

That's it, 3 weeks until the half marathon and when Gavin starts kindergarten. Life is becoming very busy and a little emotional, I can't believe Gavin will be in school all day. The time with Brooklyn will be nice but I am going to miss my little man. My plan for the next 3 weeks is to be on overdrive, I want to cram as much summer fun as possible while training, organizing the home remodel, school shopping, visiting family(it seems everyone is coming to visit in August), oh and did I mention JR is out of town for 2 weeks working. He's only been gone since last Tuesday and it feels like months already. JR's aunt and uncle took the kids camping on Saturday night and it was wonderful. I was ready for a break and I was able to clear out some of the house, I have to empty a couple of rooms for the remodel and it is a struggle to find space for it all.

As for running I am still logging all my miles. Last night I did my tempo run on the treadmill when the kids went to bed. I did my mile warmup then 5 miles at 8:26, it was so hard not to look at how much farther I needed to run. The pace was fine but I just couldn't keep my eyes of the distance so it was a very long run. When I finished the sun had set but it was still light outside and so beautiful so I decided to run my cooldown outside. The door is right next to the kids' bedrooms so I opened it in case they woke up, which would have been highly unlikely. Then I set off and made a loop down my driveway and around my house, it only took me 6 times to do a mile which was great since the indoor track in town takes 15 laps for a mile. The kids are up now time to go!


  1. Good to hear training is going well. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer!

  2. Good job on the training and the treadmill run! My hubby is out of town this week and I've been cramming runs in when I can. Both boys refused to go to sleep tonight, so I missed out on a planned three miler. Oh well.

    MCM Mama

  3. Gavin must belooking forward to it, what an exciting time. The time goes by way too fast.
