Sunday, August 30, 2009

Logan Race Report

My friends and I went to Logan on Friday, we arrived at the hotel and looked at the map for the park where are packets were. We decided we weren't very far and decided to walk, after the 3.5 hour car ride we were ready to stretch our legs. After a couple of miles we decided we were going the wrong way. We went back to the hotel and drove around looking for the park, after calling onstar(didn't know where to go), and stopping at 2 gas stations for directions we finally found the park. They had the packet pickup set up nicely and we all were ready within 5 minutes, so we were off to dinner. I had some yummy pasta and a pomegranate breeze, made with tequila, pomegranate green tea, and cranberrry, Yum! My friend said she needed a margarita, it was her good luck drink the night before a race so I decided it wouldn't hurt. After we received our bill we thought we could do without it, hers was 10.50 and mine was 9.50, for very small glasses. Then it was off to watch some tv and sleep.

The next morning started early at 4:45, we were shuttled to the park, then up the canyon. The first 6 miles are running down the canyon and it was beautiful. When looking at the map we thought it would be mainly downhill and while there were downhill stretches it would also flatten out or go uphill throughout the 6 miles. There was over 2000 runners and the start was a little crowded, it took about 2 miles before I wasn't passing too many people. The miles were going great and at mile 8 I had my shot bloks, that's when my stomach started turning a little. The course at that time was flat, we were out of the canyon running by houses and on the highway. Around mile 10 I started to fade and we started going up in mile 11. There wasn't a steep uphill, just gradual for over a half mile. At about mile 11.4 I wasn't sure if I would make it, my stomach was turning so I walked for about 15 seconds and caught my breath, when I started running again I tried to go slow. Then we finally started going down again and we turned a corner and could see the finish, with a little over a mile to go. The finish seemed FAR away, just had to put my head down and go. During the last .4 as we were headed into the finish and people were lined up I had to go to the bathroom, all I could do is keep going and hope I could make it. I managed to kick it up and pass a couple people. I finished and ran to the bathroom.

My finishing time was 1:47:48, 29th in my ag. I am very excited, I did not think I would break 1:50 and if I wouldn't have slowed down for that mile I would have avg 8 minute miles. My friends also beat their goal times and we have decided we will have to run this course again if we want a pr! Overall it was great and I would like to run it again.

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