Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Some Much Needed Sleep

This last week my to do list has been growing, both what I have to do and what I want to do. This means something had to go and it has been sleep! I have been averaging 6.5 hours of sleep a night which is not enough for me! I have been functioning alright but mentally have been struggling, especially with running. I just haven't wanted to run. When I do my times are ok, Monday I had a 6 mile run with 4 at tempo, 8:30 pace. Carrie and I switched off running and watching the kids. She went first and it was getting hot, when I set off I knew it was going to be hard. Within the first mile I was really wanting some water, I started the tempo and did ok but I only managed 3 miles. I just couldn't run anymore, I had stomach cramps and a headache and just couldn't mentally make myself continue, I know that I could have physically. My time for the tempo miles: 8:12, 8:25, 8:15, so maybe I was pushing too hard?

Last night my mil watched the kids for me so I could go for a 5 miler. The first 2 miles were hard, I just wanted to quit. The end went better and I felt good when I was done. The kids were wiped last night so I put them to bed early, did some laundry and went to bed. JR is out of town this week so I didn't have to get up at 5:30. I finally slept for 8 hours! Woohoo! I feel like a new woman today, which is good because I have a lot to do. I'd better get after it, have a great day!


  1. Glad you're feeling better after catching up on some sleep. I could not function on 6.5 hours!

  2. Glad you got some sleep. I've been averaging way less than I need lately and it's making me not a happy mom.

    MCM Mama

  3. Amazing what a little bit more sleep will do.
