Saturday, July 11, 2009

New PR!

The last week has been very busy. My sis and her fam were here for the 4th and we had a great time camping, they stayed until yesterday morning. I have had a lot going on a more personal side, and just being summer time with the kids have kept me up later and rising earlier. I am tired! Thursday was my long run day and I managed 11 miles/9:35 avg, overall it went well although I think I picked the hilliest road ever! I did not feel like running that day and really fought the first few miles mentally, however the last half felt great.

This weekend is Rendevous and there is a 5 mile walk/run. The alarm went off this morning at 5:30 and it was all I could do to drag myself out of bed. My goal was to beat last years time of 45:32. The course is hard with the mostly uphill the first 2.5 miles, it's a tough way to warm up! When you reach the top of the last hill, the biggest one, and turn around it is easy. Racing downhill felt great, I was still tired but just let my legs go. I ended up finishing in 43:03. My splits:

Afterwards we went to the parade and tonight we are going to the rodeo. Tomorrow will be a 4 mile run and hopefully kicking back on the boat for the afternoon. Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on the PR. I'd love a race like that. All the ones around here seem to start with a huge downhill and then you have to come back up LOL.

  2. Congrats on the PR. Look at those negative splits!!!
