Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I officially signed up for the Utah Valley Marathon today, there is no backing out now! My stomach was doing a few flips but I am excited and ready to start training. I found out there will be some more people running the marathon as well, those ladies are trying to BQ and I have no doubt they can do it. My running pals are going to run the half marathon and we are trying to convince a few more to join us.

This week I ran 5 on Monday and 7 yesterday at the track. Today I planned on intervals on the treadmill. I was not sure how that would go since I could not fall asleep last night and only slept 6 hours. I love my sleep and usually average 7.5-8 hours. I started out with a mile warmup and it took the first half mile to calm my breathing. I was feeling a little anxious but decided to try see how many 800s I could do. I ended up with 3 at a 7:54 pace, finishing with a mile cooldown. I felt good afterwards, but I don't think I could have done another 800.

I also received some sunshine from MCM Mama, thank you! I am always ready for sunshine!


  1. yay, for signing up for the marathon. Can't wait to follow your training. When is it?

  2. Great job getting your run in! It's hard on less sleep than you're used to! have a great weekend!

  3. I've always found that signing up for a race forced me to hit more of my runs since I was officially committed to a race. Good luck!

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