Monday, November 30, 2009


The last week has been busy, we went to JR's dad's house for Thanksgiving. We had a great time visiting with family and of course eating! Before we left we started tearing down walls so when we came home we worked on it some more. Eventually we will redo our upstairs completely but for now I just wanted to open up one side of the house so our living room will be bigger. While I knew this would be a big job I wasn't planning on the foot of blown in insulation in the ceiling. JR and I knocked out drywall and picked up 30 bags of insulation yesterday, we still have a quarter of the cieling to go. I'm hoping to work on it this week if I can find a sitter for Brooklyn.

I didn't have a chance to run as much last week but I did get strength training and more walking in so I didn't do too bad. The HBBC is on and it really helped get me moving. I was also able to eat at least 7 fruits or vegetables every day, somedays were easier then others. I love having the challenge, it is keeping me motivated!

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