Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Morning Run

Yesterday my mom watched my kids while I had the oil changed and tires rotated on my vehicle. I took full advantage and went for a run outside during this time. It was only 9 in the morning so it was still chilly, around 20 degrees. The sun was shining and the wind wasn't blowing so I bundled up and it was great. I ran around town on the bike path and up a dirt road with a gorgeous view of the mountains. It was just a great run! During one point the path goes through the trees over a river, I glanced to my left and about 10 feet from me stood a deer. He just watched me run by, I'm not sure I've ever been that close without the deer running away.

I ran 6 miles, then went to pick up my vehicle. It wasn't ready so I walked .6 miles, it still wasn't ready so I decided to run another half mile. That was hard! My legs felt like jello by that point but I finished my half mile.

We spent the day at my mom's, my kids had a great time raking and jumping into a leaf pile. They were exhausted by the time we came home, to a new front wall and door! I love it!


  1. What a great day! Nice job on the run - definitely good use of the time.

    I find that starting up again after stopping is SO HARD!

  2. Sounds like a beautiful run and a great day! I love how you used the downtime during your oil change to go for a run! Most people would probably sit there drinking coffee and eating a donut!

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