Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Running First

Yesterday I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones video, it was great for toning your whole body. It is broken into 5 minute circuits where you do 3-4 exercises non stop 2 times. You need light weights(a couple times I had to downsize the weights for the second round), and while there isn't specific cardio your heart rate speeds up because you don't stop. I am going to do it a few more times before I send it back to Netflix and it is one I would buy in the future.

Now today I hung sheet rock all day with my uncle. JR has started his new job and is very busy so Uncle D helped me, maybe we can finish this room this winter! Wow that is a killer shoulder workout though, trying to lift those sheets over my head was hard! Tonight I was wishing it was summer so I could go for a run. Everyone in my house was either sleeping or watching a movie so I decided to check the temp-23 degrees, perfect for daytime running. I have never ran in the dark but I found JR's headlight and decided to try it out. The first half mile was cold but after that I felt good. It is different only being able to see a few feet in front of me so I went slow and tried to stick to roads that aren't to busy. I did have a few cars pass me, they went really slow, probably didn't know what to think about a single light bobbing towards them! I ended up running 4 miles, and I came in feeling great. I will have to run at night again, and when it warms up maybe I can get my runs done in the morning. Right now the coldest time of the day is at daybreak so I will continue to sleep in a few more months!


  1. Between the JM video and renovations, you are going to be RIPPED!

    Glad you were able to squeeze in a run too!

  2. Hanging up dry wall can be a great workout! Glad you enjoyed night running. I have grown to enjoy running in the dark. However, I prefer daylight:)

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