Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Where has the time gone? I can't believe it's already January 12! The holidays were good, lots of family, friends, and food! The HBBC helped me stay on track and I was doing really well, even down a few pounds until Christmas when I parked myself in front of the buffet and ate the day away. Now I am back on track with eating and have lost those pounds I gained between Christmas and New Year's.

My hubby was off for a month, so I haven't been on the computer much. He went back to work this week so now I am trying to get back into a routine. Running has slipped into the back burner and I am trying to get back into it. I have not ran more than 20 miles a week in a few weeks. I have been doing other activities though, and a lot of walking. I think this has been good for weight loss. I would like to get the mileage back up to 25 miles a week though.

I am planning on posting on a regular basis again. I also want to thank Amanda for the HBBC, it was a lot of fun!


  1. It is always nice getting back in to a routine. However, very cool that your husband had a month off.

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