Monday, December 7, 2009

7 Days in A Row

Last week, thanks to the HBBC, I ran 7 days in a row for the firt time. I think I have become just a little obsessed with earning points! I have also been walking after I run to add points. I think the walking has been a big help, I need to do it all the time. I have also been stretching more which is great, I need to add the foam roller back into my routine. Saturday was my seventh day of running and when I started on the treadmill with hopes of running 4 I didn't think I could do it. My legs were tired and my lower calves were sore, but right at 2 miles something changed and I felt great. I ran 4 and thought about running more but I didn't want to push it so I slowed to a walk for another half mile.

Yesterday I took my kids to my mom's for the day so JR could tear apart more walls. This forced me to have a rest day since I didn't have my treadmill and it was freezing outside. I needed a rest day though and I feel much better today. My mom watched Brooklyn while I went to the gym. I planned on running 6 on the track, but 3 miles in I wasn't sure if I could do it. I felt fine physically but the thought of 45 more laps was getting to me. Then my friend showed up and we had a great run, I ended up running 7 total and could have done more. I decided to bike for awhile since I didn't have to worry about daycare and ended up doing 6 miles, then walking for a half mile. I left feeling great and ready to tackle cleaning my house.

Sounds like JR is making another mess, I better go help!


  1. Look at you, racking up all of those points! I don't know if I have ever run 7 days straight!

  2. I've never run 7 days straight! I think once I did 5, but after 4 days in a row, I start aching in all sorts of weird places.

    MCM Mama

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