Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How many 20 milers?

I didn't run this weekend so I had to make up my tempo run on Monday. My plan called for 2 miles at goal pace, 2 miles tempo, and 3 miles goal pace. I ran at the indoor track and was able to stay under 9 minute miles for goal pace and 8:00 and 8:05 for tempo. Yesterday I had a 80 minute run with hills. I ran on the treadmill and realized that I did not want to run that long so I split the workout up. I did the first 40 easy and did another 40 minutes last night. I did a Nike hill workout and my legs felt it, I was very tired and sore afterwards. Today was an easy 3 then I lifted. I was tired when I started but am feeling better now.

My training plan has me running only one 20 miler so I have been thinking about fitting in another. If I do I will have to run 18 this week and 20 next week, otherwise my plan calls for 16 miles this week and next. Does anybody know if I need two 20 milers or is one enough? Thank you for any information you can give me!


  1. I've done more than one both times I've trained, but there are quite a few sources out there now that say 20 miles is too much. So, who knows? Did you already do one? Which plan are you following? I think you'd be fine with just one if all of your other training is going well.

  2. I think it depends on your goals. If running "to complete", I think one 20-miler is sufficient. It will get you to the starting line injury free, which is most important. When you have more experience and more aggressive time goals, I definitely think more 20-milers are necessary. Your body needs to learn to run beyond that limit. In this training cycle, I have 2 18-milers, 2 20-milers and 2 21/22-milers.
