Saturday, May 31, 2014

Running with a Friend

Yesterday was a great day. I had a 10 miler to do and my friend and running partner C joined me. We trained for the marathon together last year but have only done a handful of runs together since. She has only been running 3-4 miles a couple times a month, concentrating more on biking this year. She ran the first 4 miles with me and I didn't want the miles to end. The conversations you have on a run just don't happen as easily when you are doing other things. I have been doing all my runs by myself which I have enjoyed, I didn't realize how much I missed running with C. I am hoping to be able to run with her throughout the summer, we have plans to take the kids to the track. They are old enough now to run or there is a park next to the track, and of course plenty of hikes since she is also my hiking partner! After school my kids did the Hershey's track and field event. They both ran the 50 meter, 100 meter, and standing long jump. Neither one placed top 3 but they had a lot of fun and has spurred them on to do better next year. We started exercising in the morning about 3 weeks ago, (with about a week of when we got a new puppy). They have been loving it and Brooklyn gets right out of bed which is amazing, since all year I have had to drag her out of bed. We started back up this morning, they did a circuit of jumping jacks, dribbling a soccer ball, squats, box jumps and jumping buckets. They had a blast.

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